Box Office: 902-354-5250 Tue-Sat 11am-4pm

**CANCELLED** – The DEVI School – The Great Divorce (C.S. Lewis)

May 29, 2021 @ 7:00 pm
The Astor Theatre
219 Main Street
By donation at the door
Box Office
**CANCELLED** - The DEVI School - The Great Divorce (C.S. Lewis) @ The Astor Theatre
Our annual performance by our friends at the DEVI School is always one we look forward to, and they never fail to impress us with their performances on stage, their technical know how and their thought-provoking choices.
The DEVI School welcomes you to come and see its rendition of The Great Divorce by C. S. Lewis.
Written in 1946, the storyline follows a narrator on his bus ride from ‘The Grey Town’ to Heaven where he meets a series of interesting characters and personalities on his journey who are muddling their way through the difficulties and challenges of human nature.
Riddled with allusions and references, C.S. Lewis’ novel takes us on a journey of collective discovery of shared human nature, which, from paper to stage, is amplified tremendously.
The play itself is a celebration of overcoming difficulty which we send as a very small but nonetheless tremendously important message of hope during these difficult and fear-filled times.
Mark your calendars for 29th May at 7pm at the Astor Theatre.
We will also be having a bake sale in the concessions area of the theatre lobby, with proceeds going to the DEVI School
Stay safe and well and we hope to see you there! Entrance is by donation at the door.

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